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After 33

( Size: 96" x 48" Oils )

Subjects in the painting:

After 33

German Helmet

Wearing a gas mask, represents a view of Hitler's Nazis. The premeditated controlled incarceration of all nations and their people, ending in their deaths. The image conjurs up fear, calculated oppression and anti-Semitism. Brain washing the German people to accept and commit genocide. The dark image glowing with the effect of emptiness, cold, vacant.

The Blood

Spilling from the gas mask represents the guilt, the overkill and the damned.

Father Time

Carrying the scythe of the "Grim Reaper" in one hand, a bright light in the other. Depicts peoples plight through the ages, their lives and eventual deaths. The bright light being the peoples faith and salvation.

The Palm Tree, Star on Green Background and Sunburst

Is, as I see it, symbolic with Christianity, with the early amalgamation of three religions: "SOL INVICTUS" the sun god worshipped by the Romans, secondly "PAGANISM" and thirdly the teachings of "CHRIST".

The Hill and Red Sky

Represent the wilderness, not only in the religious sense, but in a sense that all men and women experience loneliness, void and despair.

The Ultimate Killing Machine

Nuclear War, a silent evil of total devastation, annihilation of all people near and far. Bottom left hand corner of photo depicts the instigators as devils, dark, evil, tyrants, their mind's eye blinkered, but their credentials will be as pure as the driven snow.

South Africa and the Black Man

Ruled by Oppression.... The Black Man's Body

Is depicted in a state of imprisonment in his own household and his country. BUT with a mind free to think. Held there by sadistic people who call themselves civilised men with Christian virtues.


Represent oppression and death. Faces in the clouds represents spirits assessing their people's tragedy from afar, those in martyrdom.

The Cockerel

Sign of betrayal, the sacrifices by all nations of the world.

From the narrow minded politicians to the "dogs of war", U.S. air force pilots under orders (but not under duress) sprayed a produce of death and destruction, destroying life giving forests of Vietnam and Cambodia for the foreseeable future. People's lives and bodies destroyed by a horrific American "MANMADE" plague, given the simple title of "AGENT ORANGE". THIS, mans long term cruelty and legacy to man.

Blue Elephant

In the background (in half) symbol of one creature's plight and annihilation through man's greed.

Fly Argaric and immediate surroundings

Depict the aggression AMERICA has shown, mainly in it's involvement in the middle east, it's covert operations have taken a stranglehold on many middle eastern countries, Beirut and the Lebanon being kicked from pillar to post as an example. Making Moslem and Christian factions of the same race fight one another and become "PUPPETS" (even though they do not see it) of the C.I.A. and the Pentagon,

To top that, Israel has made a nation once proud, into nomads, "THE PALESTINIANS" a people robbed by politics of a birthright, their identity and their country.

The Red Blood

Depicts the agonies and atrocities of futile wars.

Football, Helmet and Horse

Represents the displayed Violence active in American society in general

E.W.Powell 11/2/89
Page Version 1.0 June 1998

Complexity comment:

A very detailed painting showing the same juxtaposition of multiple levels as we see at the edge of chaos. Life is not simple, an action on one level can have repercussions in quite different and unforeseen areas. It behoves us always to consider the wider implications of any destructive acts, lest we inadvertently destroy that which we hold dear and which supports the wider sub-structure (so called civilised behaviour) on which our ideas are founded.
Page Version 1.1 October 1998