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Peace In Our Time

( Size: 24" x 34" Oils )

The Scenario: An hypothetical dream.

Will today's newly born witness peace and abstinence from wars, conflicts and racial hatred, also famine within their lifetime ? And to experience the delights of the elusive paradise that lay dormant here on Mother Earth ?

Peace What would it take to achieve this monumental task ? Today's political and religious divides are enormous, not forgetting man's relentless destruction of his own environment. This undoubtedly exceeds the precedent set by man's forefathers during the industrial revolution. Man unlawfully continues to use our planet as a supermarket for commodities and a dustbin for his waste products. Worlds of high finance and avarice have bred envy and hatred, this being endemic mainly within western societies.

Well, since the "Big Bang" of approximately 18 billion years ago, Earth has evolved unimpeded... Until man, who on a time scale evolution barely registers, came along and has in a very short timespan set in motion a recipe for global catastrophe.

But apart from the devastating destruction of Earth's resources leading to pollution, decay and severe climate disorder, man has also through his religious beliefs neglected our Earth, as in one aspect of the Christian ideology. This by means of placing their God in another dimension outside the confines of ordinary mortals here on Earth. This act making the Earth secondary and minimal compared to a mythical utopia, whereupon a hypo-physical God resides. Look at early non-Christian civilisations whose societies incorporated their religious beliefs with their close association with Earth. They worshipped the seasons, the wind and rain, the sun and the moon, these being elements that sustained life. These elements where given God status, thus people were reluctant to do anything harmful to the Earth's seasonal cycle of rebirth. Maybe a return to pre-Christian Earthly beliefs with a combination of today's technology might stop man taking a ride on the "Genocide Express" into oblivion ?

Subjects in the painting:

Figure on Cross

Aerial and end elevation of the crucifixion. Synonymous with the ultimate sacrifice, as man suffers to uphold the integrity of his faith. In my own opinion in a class of extreme fanaticism.

The Smoking Chimneys

Situated around the child's head, depict the life-threatening pollutants, which man has to control to give the newly born a freedom from man-made disease, aiding not only longevity but also quality of life,

Trio on Spiral Of Earth

The power of man over the life and death of millions of people who need feeding. Politics with a stranglehold on the food chain will have to be eradicated. Man, if aided, would become "Food" self-sufficient, a world food organisation must be set up. Along with huge donations and aid, not just token gestures to sweep this crime under the carpet, wealthy countries need to educate the less fortunate, mainly the Third World.

Bridge, Body & Animal's Head

Bridging the distance, between man thinking himself superior as a dominant factor, a view which must be broken down. Man, Earth and animals will have to work and coexist to survive. Crossing this bridge man will become a conserver of Earth's precious resources, instead of a mindless, greedy, reckless "User".

Red Houses without Doors

Take away the locked doors, the barriers and frontiers. Let all people mingle, communicate, become free spirits to roam unimpeded. Throw all inhibitions of fear, class, wealth and colour to the wind and integrate. As the rock group "Pink Floyd" would say:

"Break Down the Wall"

The Tree

Mindless cutting down of the rain forests has to be terminated at once, to conserve not only nature but the climate changes we are experiencing today.
E.W.Powell, 29/8/90

Complexity comment:

Barriers enforce a static system. For many factions in the world change is anathema, their self-respect is based almost entirely on belonging to their particular sect, profession or nation. From any starting point, most random mutations will decrease fitness, making matters worst, hence perhaps the widely entrenched fear of change and fear of being alone (where all decisions are made by the individual, mostly from a position of ignorance). Yet as a species we have vast knowledge, and by using modern technology such as the Internet can make this available globally. A better world is possible, we need only to realise that change can be for the better - and use our global knowledge to locate that option at every opportunity.
Page Version 1.1 October 1998