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Hadrians Columns

( Size: 80cm x 60cm Acrylic and collage on canvas )

Hadrians Columns

Leila Kubba Kawash 1997.

Complexity comment:

Soaring into the night sky and dominating the landscape, the grandiose designs of man's ambition to tame nature spread over the globe. Self-gratification by the erection of everlasting monuments to vanity intends to immortalize individuality. That such status arises only in a social context is rarely recognised. Individuals, however great they may consider themselves, are transient and essentially social constructions. Power requires numbers, domination followers. The phenomenon of the charismatic leader is too common to need explication, but what drives these people and what provides the loyalty of their followers ?

Perhaps the vision to go beyond the normal, to take steps into the unknown, to attempt the impossible is a characteristic they share. Such visions need not offer sense, or logic, or even achievables, but merely the promise of change or a new beginning which often strikes a chord inside the breast of mortal man. We yearn to make our mark, to have fame, a purpose in life, to live in some way forever - even by reflected glory. We are a race of seekers that can never be satisfied, whether accumulating wealth, power, respect or even simple collections of trivia, we strive endlessly for one more step forward, one more improvement

Yet despite our best efforts failure is certain, our monuments crumble, our memories fade, we return to dust. A new form of organization submerges the civilisations we built, the past is transcended and ever transformed into a new beginning. Our worth lies only in our creativity, our ability to take our species forward. Our positive influence on those around us, helping them to grow in turn, ripples of value extending towards the end of time. All our actions have everlasting effects on others, whether positive or negative, they influence memories, choices, behaviours and are impregnated into the fabric of reality itself. We are all immortal, not in the form of a self but in the more indestructible patterns of our existence, woven into the structure of ongoing life.

Page Version 1.0 June 1999