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The young moon

( Size: 80cm x 100cm Acrylic on canvas )

The young moon

Leila Kubba Kawash 1995.

Complexity comment:

One of the advantages of youth is its openness to new ideas, its innocence as to what is 'impossible'. As we age our ideas become more fixed, we are indoctrinated by our society into what is and is not acceptable, what can and cannot be considered. These self-imposed boundaries are however largely based upon nothing, they are arbitrary barriers to changing the status quo, to escaping from the limitations imposed upon us by a power hierarchy based on precedence and privilege. Whichever our culture, it is to a large extent shaped by prejudices, pre-judgements constraining the options available to the people.

One of the roles of complexity theory is to open up our thought patterns to those missing possibilities, to set the people free to dream of new worlds, new states of being that go beyond the tragic limitations of the past and the eternal conflicts based in it. We need to return to the vision of the child, to open up our minds to fantasy, for within non-reality lies the future of reality, those breakthroughs that can take us to new fitnesses, new ways of working together for the greater good. The moon goddess is the symbol of a new beginning, of altered thought patterns, of the fragility and vulnerability of life, of the cycles and growth of nature - an emphasis once again in harmony with our modern ways of thinking.

Page Version 1.0 June 1999