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Triptych with Columns

( Size: 50cm x 120cm each. Acrylic and collage on constructed wood )

Through dips and flows of paint, rolls
and curls of textures - the shallows
of canvas stretch into seas.

Flat surfaces deepen - like wells
that sink down into great depths.
Excavating miracles - truths ebbed by
the salts and soils of time.

Triptych with Columns (left) Triptych with Columns (center) Triptych with Columns (right)

Leila Kubba Kawash 1996.

Such is the obligation of the artist.
To deepen the canvas - through
swells and calms of color.

To enrich the vision - unearth
the sunken jewels of fallen eras.
To sow again the ancient seeds of history.

To reap the eternal
harvest, and to immortalize the
sacred blossom of vision.

Ameera Kawash

Complexity comment:

Adding extra dimensions, new layers, to enrich life is , in a sense, the function of evolution. Complex organisms possess a capacity for far better multi-dimensional perceptions than do simple ones. At our own, human, level these abilities seem to peak into three distinct areas, concentrated on intellect, on emotions and on senses. We define our world, and it in turn defines us. This interplay allows for a depth of being quite unknown in lesser creatures, yet often we fail to appreciate such advantages, existing in a shallow world of one-dimensional thinking and prejudice. Taking that final step and entering the infinite sea of possibility is perhaps the most liberating action available to any human being.
Page Version 1.0 June 1999