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Hexahedron III

( Size: 41cm x 41cm x 41cm each. Acrylic, collage & enamel on constructed wood & plexiglass )

Hexahedron I

Hexahedron II

Hexahedron III

Leila Kubba Kawash 1996.

Complexity comment:

Taking art beyond three dimensions is a difficult task. Our senses recoil from forms unfamiliar, yet if we persist we can enter a new universe, taking the lid of our old world and seeing inside. Here we enter the structures themeselves and observe nested details, layers we did not suspect were present, now revealed to our gaze. In life also, such complexities exist, if we are prepared to recognize them. No more so than in the make-up of our multi-dimensional personalities, onion-like constructions of biology, experience and culture.
Page Version 1.0 June 1999